
Vandana Shiva ― Claiming Our Place as Planetary Citizens

Vandana Shiva ― Claiming Our Place as Planetary Citizens

Named by Forbes Magazine one of the “Seven Most Powerful Women on the Globe,” physicist, feminist and environmentalist Dr. Vandana Shiva is a catalyst for the global sustainability movement. Demonstrating restorative leadership by standing up in the current of harmful norms to be a voice for possibility, Vandana inspires us to claim our unique leadership contribution in service to the Earth’s miraculous balance.

Please note that this interview excerpt is transcript only


Atossa Soltani — Giving Life Force To Local Wisdom for Global Impact

Atossa Soltani — Giving Life Force To Local Wisdom for Global Impact

With radical compassion and strategic savvy, Atossa Soltani does the seemingly impossible by leading international campaigns to protect the world’s tropical rainforests from extractive industries and large-scale energy projects. As the founder of Amazon Watch, Atossa has been advocating for indigenous rights and rainforest preservation for decades. Her successes earned Atossa the prestigious Hillary Laureate Award for Leadership in Climate Equity. In this interview, Atossa reveals the power of restorative leadership in action by listening deeply to herself and to the lived expertise and collective wisdom of community. Discover what Atossa heard in her dreams and how that translated to one of the world’s foremost advocacy organizations that is safeguarding life’s biodiversity on behalf of all.