The mission of the Restorative Leadership Institute is to cultivate leadership and enterprise that fulfills humanity's potential to thrive in balance with all life
Certified B Corporation
Through strategic consulting and participatory education, RLI builds global capacity to transform vision to sustainable reality. B Corps like RLI meet what Inc. Magazine calls "the highest standard in socially responsible business." Together we are leading a global movement to redefine business as a force for good in the world. Certifying as a B Corp is one of the wisest choices we have made. If you would like information about becoming a B Corp or supporting B businesses, we invite you to connect with B Lab.
Core Crew
Jamie Rezmovits, J.D.
Jamie supports purpose-driven organizations and planet-minded leadership to increase their positive impact. With specialties in environmental conflict transformation, education and community development, her heart-centered work spans from university classrooms in the United States to rural communities abroad.
At the University of Colorado, she worked as a faculty member for the INVST Community Studies Department where she trained community leaders to work for the benefit of humanity and the environment. She taught with the Civic Education Program at Northwestern University where she combined education and community service to promote civic responsibility among young people. And she fostered global and cross-cultural knowledge and understanding as an International Trip Leader with the LEAP Now Program, in affiliation with the New College of California.
Jamie was a co-founder and co-director of Kenya Peace Partnerships (KPP), a project of the Innovation Center for Community and Youth Development. KPP creates opportunities for leadership development and increased civic engagement for women and young people in developing nations.
Additionally, Jamie served as the Chair of the Board of Directors for Un Mundo, an international development organization working in Honduras, and the Chair of the Board of Directors for mpowered, a Denver-based financial education and services non-profit.
Jamie is a filmmaker and artist and believes in using the arts as a tool for social and environmental change.
Jamie is a native of Denver and earned both her Juris Doctorate and her Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Colorado. She was admitted to the Colorado State Bar in 2006.
Maren Gauldin
Maren’s expertise is in the field of transformational education and organizational development with an emphasis on embodiment and consciousness. She currently works with Golden Bridge, a dance-based Rites of Passage Program in Boulder, CO. Prior to moving to Boulder in 2017, she worked as the Assistant Director of Global Recruiting for the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey, CA. Prior to that, she worked as the Assistant Director for LEAPNOW: Transforming Education.
Maren earned her B.A. in Sociology from the University of Colorado and a Certificate in Leadership from the INVST Community Leadership Program in Boulder. Maren has also been trained as an Expressive Arts Facilitator through the Tamalpa Institute, an Authentic Movement instructor via the Body Visible/Body Invisible training program, a Counselor and Coach through the Interchange Counseling Institute and a Yoga Instructor through Seaside Yoga Sanctuary. Maren has served on several non-profits boards and committees and currently serves as the President of the Board of Directors of Children’s House Preschool in Boulder, CO.
Maren lives in Boulder with her partner and two children.
Get to Know the RLI Team
Global Advisory Network
Ian Christie
Investigating issues of policy and practice for sustainable living, Ian researches, writes and teaches to forward global policy shift around sustainability and economic development. An associate of the Green Alliance and the British-German Environment Forum, he is a fellow and coordinator in the Sustainable Lifestyles Research Group at University of Surrey.
Stan Deetz, PhD
Stan is a Professor in the Graduate School of Communication and a President's Teaching Scholar at the University of Colorado at Boulder. He is Director of the Center for the Study of Conflict, Collaboration and Creative Governance and the Peace and Conflict Studies Program. He is also a Founding Fellow and Managing Director for Institutional Change in the CU Center for STEM Learning.
Seleyn DeYarus
Seleyn is CEO of Best Organics, Inc., a leading online provider of organic gifts and a certified B Corporation. She is also Executive Director of At the Epicenter, an interactive speaker series and educational forum for business leadership, focusing on innovation and sustainability.
Bob Dunham, MS
As founder of Enterprise Performance and the Institute for Generative Leadership, Bob consults and lectures internationally on leadership and mastering professional management. His book, The Innovator’s Way-Essential Practices for Successful Innovation, is available on MIT Press.
Jenna Fitch, MBA
As a community and conference content director for New Hope Network, Jenna is responsible for bringing together the innovative and ever-inspiring good food community. With food access, conscious business, and entrepreneurial renegades top-of-mind, she is always looking for new ways to collaborate and educate across industries.
Hazel Henderson
Hazel Henderson is a futurist and an economic iconoclast tireless in her efforts to inspire a better future. Hazel has advocated for a socially responsible economy through Ethical Markets Media, LLC, and by establishing the "value" of such unquantifiables as clean air and clean water through the development of the Calvert-Henderson Quality of Life Indicators.
Ellis Jones, PhD
As a scholar of social responsibility, global citizenship, ethical consumerism and everyday activism, Ellis is the award-winning, best-selling author of The Better World Shopping Guide and The Better World Handbook.
Kanji Kawanabe
Kanji is an entrepreneur, writer and father who loves process, inspiration and sushi. He is passionate about people and works to apply the lessons he instills in his children into everyday living. Be kind... and make good choices.
Beth Krensky, PhD
Beth is an associate professor of art education and the Area Head of Art Teaching at the University of Utah. She is an artist, activist and educator whose work is recognized widely throughout the United States and internationally.
David Lashen, MBA
David earned his MBA from the University of Denver in Sustainable Business Strategy. He is passionate about values-based leadership and believes in the power of business to drive transformational social, environmental and financial change.
Kellie McElhaney, PhD
As the founding executive director of the Center for Responsible Business at the University of California at Berkeley, Kellie helped the Haas School of Business earn the rank of #1 in the world in corporate responsibility.
Malini Mehra
An award-winning civil society leader and social entrepreneur from India, Malini founded the Centre for Social Markets, and currently serves as the CEO of GLOBE International Secretariat.
Marisa Rivera, MS
A social entrepreneur and former President of the National Hispana Leadership Institute, Marisa is currently President of Mpowerment Works and serves on the Board of Directors for World Pulse.
Shana Rapoport, MA
Brian Luke Seaward, PhD
Luke is a renowned international expert in the fields of stress management, mind-body-spirit healing, and health promotion through Inspiration Unlimited and the Paramount Wellness Institute.
Kartikeya Singh, MESc
Founder of the Indian Youth Climate Network (IYCN) and former consultant with the Environmental Defense Fund, Kartikeya is currently a PhD candidate at the Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy and works for the US Department of Energy. He is also a doctoral research fellow at the Center for International Environment and Resource Policy.
Charles Wright, JD
A creative, strategy-driven leader, Charles served as a leadership team member at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and currently works as the deputy superintendent of Seattle Public Schools.
“At RLI, we guarantee our results. We specialize in serving purpose-driven small to medium enterprise from all sectors: private, public, and not-for-profit.”
Core Values
Learning and Mastery
Love and Community
Creativity and Delight
Individual and Collective Responsibility
Commitment to Sustainability
RLI goes net generous with our carbon offsets!
We purchase double carbon offsets for each flight through the certified B Corp Carbon Credit Capital supporting:
Green Composting and Save Rainforest in Brazil
RLI also donates a percentage of all profits to not-for-profit organizations aligned with our vision.